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Mizuko Kuyo: A Unique Japanese Grieving Ritual
When parents lose a child, there are rituals to mark their grief -- holding funerals, sitting shiva, bringing casseroles. But when that loss happens before birth, it often isn't marked. Sometimes, it's barely even mentioned. It's different in Japan, which has a traditional Buddhist ceremony that some US Americans are adopting as their own. Called 'mizuko kuyo', which could be translated to 'water ... posted on Oct 03 2021, 3,136 reads


The Difference Between Healing & Curing
"In my thirty years of working with cancer patients, I've seen a profound distinction between curing and healing. Curing is what a physician seeks to offer you. Healing, however, comes from within us. It's what *we* bring to the table. Healing can be described as a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual process of coming home." The founder of Commonweal, Dr. Michael Learner shares more. ... posted on Oct 02 2021, 2,869 reads


How Do You Be?
"'How are you?' Back before the pandemic, when you and I would greet other people by asking this question, we usually didn't expect or desire a real answer. If we got one, it had better be brief, and not too grim or involved. We weren't up for longwinded or dreary responses. That's not how the game was played. The pandemic might have altered our customary 'How are yous?' a bit. It might have made ... posted on Oct 01 2021, 3,978 reads


The Wisdom of Salmon
What can salmon teach us about sustainability in a complex environment? Marine biologist Alexandra Morton shares startling new research that lets us decode the information stored in a salmon's immune system. The data reveals where we're harming the fish, the ocean, and ourselves -- ultimately revealing lessons for how humans can thrive on this planet without destroying it.... posted on Sep 30 2021, 2,085 reads


Calling Team Earth
"Paul Hawken is a world-renowned environmentalist, activist, and author. His works include Blessed Unrest, Drawdown, and Sustainable Revolution. In this episode of Insights at the Edge, Tami Simon speaks with Paul about the call to action in his newest book, Regeneration: Ending the Climate Crisis in One Generation. Paul and Tami discuss the accelerating effects of climate change and how global so... posted on Sep 29 2021, 2,967 reads


Getting Back in Time
"Time has a hold on us, there is no escaping it. Sometimes it can seem to govern our lives: we're pressed for it; we don't have any; it's running out. We need to be on time and in time. At other 'times' we can find we have got time on our hands -- or better, the ease of having all the time in the world. It is such a vital aspect of our lives that telling the time is one of the first skills we teac... posted on Sep 28 2021, 3,575 reads


Comparative Suffering & Compassion
Measuring one's suffering against that experienced by others is not an unusual tendency. The disproportionate degree of loss we have witnessed over the past year has left many struggling to make sense of where they fit into the whos-got-it-worse-hierarchy. When the world as we know it is undergoing tremendous and tumultuous shifts, how do we frame our blue days and broken hearts? In this article, ... posted on Sep 27 2021, 4,450 reads


Place, Personhood & the Hippocampus
"'Place and a mind may interpenetrate till the nature of both is altered,' the Scottish mountaineer and poet Nan Shepherd wrote in her lyrical love letter to her native Highlands, echoing an ancient intuition about how our formative physical landscapes shape our landscapes of thought and feeling. The word 'genius' in the modern sense, after all, originates in the Latin phrase genius loci -- 'the s... posted on Sep 26 2021, 4,219 reads


A Case for the Porch
"Lately I've been trying to think like a porch. Trying to think between the natural and the human. Thinking how best to build during a climate crisis. I came across John Cage saying that progress in art "may be listening to nature." He thought this activity could best play out on a porch, where we can hear nature's symphony and then breathe our own masterpieces. Can we play our porches like instru... posted on Sep 25 2021, 3,841 reads


What Makes A Good Life?
What keeps us happy and healthy as we go through life? If you think it's fame and money, you're not alone but, according to psychiatrist Robert Waldinger, you're mistaken. As the director of a 75-year-old study on adult development, he shares three important lessons learned from the study as well as some practical, old-as-the-hills wisdom on how to build a fulfilling, long life.... posted on Sep 24 2021, 4,128 reads


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Forgiveness is letting go of all hope of a better past.
Annie Lamont

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